Manuscripts may be submitted in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. However, all articles, without exception, will be published in the English language. If the manuscript is submitted in Portuguese or Spanish, and accepted for publication, the authors are responsible for translating the final version into English. The English version will be fully checked by the editors to avoid literal translation.

    Original or Review articles will be accepted being within the TreeD scope.


    All submissions must contain two parts: the Cover Page + the Manuscript, with the respective sections:

    1. The Cover Page: Title; List of authors with their respective addresses and e-mails; and the Corresponding Author information.
    2. The Manuscript:
      • For original articles: Abstract; between 4 – 6 Keywords; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements; and References. Results and Discussions sections may be posted together, or separate. This is up to the authors.
      • For review articles: Abstract; between 4 – 6 Keywords; Introduction; the Development sections (which will be evaluated by the Reviewers); Acknowledgements; and References.

    Additional requirements:

    • The Abstract must have around 250 words, not exceeding 2,000 characters;
    • The submission layout has total freedom! There is no maximum or minimum number of pages and/or words (however, the size of the submitted manuscript, as well the number of Figures and Tables, will have the coherency evaluation by Reviewers); We also do not set submissions to a specific font or letter size, or a mandatory page formatting/layout. It is suggested that they have 2 cm margins, and 1.5 line spacing;
    • It is mandatory that the manuscript be in legible fonts and well-organized;
    • It is also mandatory that all lines in the body of the manuscript are enumerated, to assist in the Peer-Review process: At Microsoft Word: Layout > Line numbering > Continuous.

    All Figures must be submitted separately, i.e., inserted at TreeD system. They should be in high resolution ≥200 DPI and preferably in PNG format. They also should appear at the end of the main document (mandatory). Tables must be placed in the body of the manuscript. They should not be submitted separately. All figures and tables must have a well-described caption. Authors must make explicit the numbering of figures and tables and indicate where they should enter the text.


    Mathematical equations, when they exist, should be embedded in the text, with Math Equations. Please never send equations in figure format.


    Citations in the text and also the References section must follow the standard: APA – American Psychological Association 6th edition (easily found at Mendeley or EndNote).


    The publication fee will be charged only after acceptance of the manuscript, and at a fixed rate, regardless of the final number of manuscript pages.

    • Brazilians: R$90.00
    • Foreigners: US$40.00

    *Before publishing the manuscript, the authors must make the fee payment via bank deposit to the following account:

    Bank: Banco do Brasil
    Branch: 0086-8
    Checking Account: 21989-4
    Beneficiary: Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa
    Tax ID (CNPJ): 00.799.205/0001-89

    Please ensure to include the manuscript ID in the payment description. Once the payment is completed, kindly attach the receipt in the system for verification.

    *Our journal is not for profit, so it counts on your collaboration and the collaboration of partners, that's why we charge this symbolic fee for administrative maintenance.