The Editorial Service of TreeDimensional Journal (TreeD), e-mail:
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dr. Rafael Tassinari Resende, e-mail:
ProFloresta head: Prof. Dr. Fábio Venturoli, e-mail:

ProFloresta website:
Universidade Federal de Goiás – UFG
School of Agronomy, Forestry Sector
Av. Esperança s/n, Campus Samambaia
Zip Code: 74.690-900 Goiânia (GO), Brazil
Phone: +55 (62) 3521-1563 (Forest Inventory Lab.)
CNPJ: 01567601/0001-43 (FUNAPE, project: Profloresta III)

“ProFloresta is an academic extension project, registered at FUNAPE research support foundation (Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa). It is located in the Forest Inventory Laboratory at Federal University of Goiás (UFG) and involves educational activities and professional development. The objectives are to disseminate technical-scientific knowledge related to the conservation and management of forest resources and to promote activities related to forestry, forest exploitation and the sustainable use of forest resources in the Brazilian Cerrado.”

Web Developer Full Stack: Leandro Tassinari Resende, e-mail: