Original Manuscript
Methods for breaking dormancy Tara spinosa (molina) Britton & Rose
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Few studies have been conducted in Brazil employing methods to break seed dormancy Tara spinose, exotic species of the Fabaceae family and has full use. In order to evaluate different methods to overcome dormancy of seeds T. spinosa were performed six treatments: control (no break dormancy), mechanical scraping with No. 80 sandpaper, immersion in hot water, immersion in H2SO4 pure for 15 minutes immersion inH2SO4 purefor 30 minutes and immersion in boiling water and remained the same for 24 hours. Adopted a completely randomized design with four replications of 25 seeds each. The seeds were germinated in germination boxes containing sand as substrate and subsequently brought to germination chamber BOD and maintained at 20 ° C with 12 hours photoperiod for 21 days. The moisture percentage, germination (%) and the germination speed was evaluated. Treatments for chiseling and H2SO4 for 30 minutes were more effective than others.